Monday, April 29, 2013


Dear Friends: Today I want to talk about dreams. I do a lot of this in the summer, when the weather is warm and sunny. It makes me drowsy, and I like to sleep as much as I can. We know that through prayer and meditation, we can enter sleep with openess, and even intent. We know that as we sleep, our physical and etheric bodies are refreshed and nourished. Just as important, we may receive a dream or a vision. We may also receive answers to questions, or clarity. It is possible to move out of our subjective, earthly experience, and obtain some objectivity, or larger picture that helps put things into perspective. Sometimes we may even get a quick glimpse of something that may happen in the future. Day dreaming or envisioning, is something that we do with even more intent. We might do it as children, dreaming of what we want to be when we grow up. We might do it as adults, usually wishing for something good, either for ourselves or others that we love. Exploration and migration happened because poor people wanted a better life for their children, a life of opportunity and real possibilities. That is partly why lotteries are so popular. "If I only had a million dollars, I could do this or that." These are not always selfish wishes. Sometimes people wish they had the money to do some good in the world. To raise people out of poverty. To end world hunger. To provide free education and medicine. All these good wishes will never happen through a government. Unfortunately, all governments are corrupt, even in what we call "free" and "democratic" societies. It doesn't matter which party is in power. Politicians, no matter how good their intentions, eventually will succumb to the realities of politics. You simply cannot be a person of integrity, and a politician, at the same time. Nevertheless, we can still dream of a better world for our children. We can still envision and work towards a future where there is no hunger, poverty, war, illness. Our Living Gold conference last year on Vancouver Island was a great gift. For me, it was like a dream, a chance to suspend reality, a chance to receive spiritual nourishment. Ultimately, it was a planting of seeds for the future. It's a very interesting thing that 9 months later, my daughter is about to give birth to her first child, and my first grandchild. Next blog: MANIFESTING

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