Thursday, March 7, 2024



Dear Friends,

In many of the stories of healing in the Bible, we can observe that there were certain conditions that had to exist in order for healing to take place.

First, the person is asked if they could let go. That is to say, let go of, give away, set aside, whatever was holding them back from, or blocking, healing. It could be something physical, material, emotional or psychological. Are you ready to let go of your pride, your wealth, your position, your worries, etc.

Second, is the person ready and able to receive? What preparations have been made, physically and mentally. How have you prepared, even to receive the Consecration of the Human Being on Sundays, or during the week.

It takes a community, or village, sharing each other’s burdens. The very wonderful thing is, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Wherever two or more are gathered in my name, there will I be. Working out of and with the Spirit, we can each be a part of something greater, co-creators, giving and receiving, forming an ever more perfect union.

Passiontide can be a kind of preparation, through mindfulness, gratitude, sacrifice, in order to receive the ultimate gift of incandescent Love.

The secret to giving and receiving is that it is a beautiful cycle. The more you can give, the more you can receive, and the more you receive, the more you can give. Take me, for as much as I have given myself to you.


For my daughter, who is undergoing her own journey of giving and receiving.





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