Sunday, May 22, 2022



Dear Friends,

This year, believe it or not, is a year of Light.

For 100 years, The Church of The Christian Community, has now been in existence, proclaiming the Word of God, or Logos, in a new form.

For 100 years, the Light of the Christ has streamed forth from every altar, reaching every corner of the globe. It will continue to touch every soul for many centuries to come.

We may not be conscious of this Light, but it is in each and every one of us, regardless of race, color or creed. We come from Light, and are born into this earthly existence. We are essentially beings of light, who have forgotten where we came from. There have been many recorded instances, where someone, experiencing a next-to-death moment, has seen that Light – has become conscious of it, and been forever changed when they returned.

That is our purpose on Earth - to once again become conscious of this reality – to become aware of it in our very souls, live with it, and work with it.

There are forces who desire to turn us away from this purpose, to distract us, but as we have recently seen in current events, people are waking up. We are no longer content to be treated like machines, or animals, to be merely a cog in the wheel that serves those who are only interested in money and power. That wheel wants to grind us into dust. But we are far more than mere clay.

Everywhere, in everything we see and do, there can be Light. Perhaps it is in a flower, perhaps it is in a kindness someone has shown you, a friendly hello, a work of art, a strain of music. You only have to look or listen for it. Perhaps it is a feeling welling up inside of you! We, as human beings, can and will be co-creators of this Light. It is our choice as to when that will happen. We can choose for it to happen right now, this moment, or in the far distant future. This has to do with our ego and our will. When we can let go of our own ego (lower self) and willfulness, we create space for the Light of Christ to ray forth.

Thy Will be done, on Earth, as it is in Heaven.

Today in our community, we had the rare, once in a lifetime privilege, to meet, welcome and shake hands with the world-wide leader of our church; also, to hear some of his thoughts on the challenges we face for the next 100 years as a global community. So strongly did this experience tug on my heartstrings, that I could barely speak afterwards, and there were tears in my eyes as I drove home.

In two weeks, we will welcome home into our midst, our very own, newly ordained priest, Erica Maclennan.

More later!


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