Thursday, February 24, 2022



Dear Friends,

First of all, I wish to express my gratitude for this chance to try to put down my thoughts and feelings from time to time, and to send them out into the universe. I hope in doing so, that I have not caused offense or concern, as this has never been my intention.

The opinions and ideas expressed are my own, and not necessarily a reflection of the views of the creators of this website.

Having said that, the following is just something I feel needs to be expressed.

We are challenged to think with our hearts and act out of feelings of empathy and compassion, even for our enemies.

That being said, it was with sorrow that I learned of the actions this week on the part of the Russian government.

Putting aside political considerations, the question is, why now?

If we look at the protests in the past few weeks in Canada and other countries, we see that feelings are running high, after two years of lockdowns. There have been a great many contributing factors to food shortages, limited medical care, a rise in gas and housing prices. The list goes on and on, not to mention the loss of loved ones. Each country and its people have suffered. In Canada, distance is a huge challenge in keeping supply chains going.

How much greater must this challenge be in Russia? We receive very little factual information with regards to what is happening in that country, but it is easy to imagine that their people are truly suffering, especially in the dead of winter. We know from history that aggressive military action only causes further hardship for civil populations.

Food, clothing, shelter and clean water are all basic human needs. When these needs cannot be met, desperation arises.

What if we, as a global community, worked to supply these items, food, at the very least, to the Russian people? Airdrops of food and medicine all over the country, from every direction, from every country and non governmental organizations. Would it not be great to turn war machines into bread machines – to turn stones into bread, so to speak, manna from heaven. We have the tools, but do we have the Will?

Yes, it is a naïve and childish idea, but then, we are also asked to be like little children…




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