"Spirit Triumphant! Flame through the impotence of
faltering, fainthearted souls! Burn up selfishness, kindle compassion, so that
selflessness, the lifestream of humanity, may flow as the wellspring of
spiritual rebirth!" — Rudolf Steiner
Dear Friends,
During this time of covid, when we have been forced to look
inwardly as never before, we have been in what may be called a dream state,
here in Vancouver.
Echoing the dream song of Olaf Asteson, some intrepid
community members will recreate the story of TCC in Vancouver up to this point,
during the upcoming Holy Nights.
This is because the time has come for our community to dream
of what could be for the future. At night as we sleep, we receive messages from
the spiritual world, of good will, a renewal of our spirit for the new day. It
is time for us, in cooperation with the Spirit of our community, to begin a new
chapter. A legacy for the next generation.
We have long known that our current building/property simply
can no longer function, neither in the present, nor to certainly meet the
future needs of our community.
It is time for us to dream of a new location and space.
There is no greater expression of this need and longing, than the quote above
by Rudolf Steiner.
My beloved, our baby has grown wings and is ready to strike
out on her own. She is ready to soar and take her place amongst the tribe of
Eagles. On the Pacific west coast, there is no better image for movement than
that of an eagle. Reaching the highest heights, and plummeting to the deepest
depths. As such, it is my humble suggestion that our new chapel might be named: The
Chapel of St. John.