Sunday, November 1, 2020

Making New Altar Cloths

This summer Barbara and Erica made new altar cloths. We started by turning the community room in the church downstairs into a workshop. Once the cloth was purchased our first step was to wash and dry it, and then to iron the yards of cloth and measure out two lengths, enough for two altar cloths. 

Then what was needed was the courage to cut the fabric!!!

Next came the pinning...  we used a lot of pins to make sure we had the edges straight and even.

The main hems on each side needed a notch cut out.  Here is a careful measure to get it right for cutting.

The next step was to do a final pinning for ironing and sewing.

Finally ready for sewing!  Each side was hemmed and then the back and front were stitched in place. 

A last ironing.....

The new altar cloth in place!


  1. Fabulous. This could be a tutorial for other congregations!

  2. Fabulous. This could be a tutorial for other congregations!


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