Friday, January 1, 2016

January 1st, 2016

Human Being

A being of body, soul, and spirit
Welcome to the Earth.
You have come with a soul
Shaped by a long past.
Shaped by the future, too.
Now let it be shaped by the Earth,
The realm of death.
It will be shaped by your community of souls
Who only know death,
By which they have come to know themselves
But, not knowing Christ
They no longer know life.
Fear not!
Through Christ can the Holy Spirit work
The healing spirit
That leads you to the truth.
Be patient!
It may take many life-times.
It may take an instant.
You may wander through many a maze
Of quarks and leptons,
Of holographic dinosaur bones, Artifacts of your creation
Creating many illusions of pasts and futures
Vast universes, rent by black holes.
Full of dead, dumb matter.
But later, if not sooner,
You will look within.
You will find the power
Through which creation comes,
You will find the spirit power
Through which you shape your future
And yourself.
A worthy future, when united with Christ.

by Jerry Bains