Dear Friends,
On this solemn morning of Easter Friday, I would like to
share some thoughts and images with you.
Last night, a few intrepid souls went to our Silent Supper
and Close of Day Service for Maundy Thursday, led by Rev. Susan Locey. We have
done this for a couple of years now, and it is always very beautiful. The eloquent
outline of what happened that evening over 2000 years ago during the service,
was underlined by the beautifully simple and quiet meal we had all just shared.
To share a meal together is one way of building community.
As Rev. Werner Grimm has reiterated time and again, our church is not here “just”
to provide a house for the Sacraments. Its ultimate purpose is to find ways to
build community, not just between ourselves, but also between the Earth and the
spiritual world. This is to aid the evolution of the Earth in such a way that
we allow the spiritual to manifest in the material world.
I had a very touching dream before I woke up this morning
that I would like to share:
I found myself wandering in an unknown neighbourhood, and
came across some children playing. Beside lay them a small baby, thin and
listless, unable even to summon up the energy to move, as most babies who love
to wiggle and kick. I held this baby in my arms, and as I did so, she became
bigger, stronger and healthy, just like my own granddaughter. Then my old, dear
housekeeper appeared, who surely must
now be with the angels. She was still caring for children, and called me by
name – only then did I recognize her.
Over the past few weeks I have been reading a series of
books by James Redfield on the Twelve Insights, written primarily in the 1990’s.
Many of these insights also reflect Steiner’s tenets, simply from a different
angle. What I like about his books is that he says technology should ultimately
be used to help make all basic human needs available to everyone, at little or
no cost. That is certainly not the case at the moment. He also says that power
should not be held in the hands of a few. He also says that not only one's actions, but one's thoughts and attitudes, especially towards each other, are extremely important.
This takes us back to the ideal of a group or community
working together, to uplift every single
soul into the realm of the spiritual. This can only happen, I believe, when
everyone’s basic human needs are met.
Perhaps it is not a coincidence that this year is the
Chinese Year of the Sheep.
“I Am the Good Shepherd, who lays down His life for His