Sunday, January 12, 2014

Micro within the Macro(cosmos)

First off, I want to say thank-you to Sparky for setting me on the correct path the other day when I was serving during the Twelve Days of Christmas. I had forgotten about or did not see four extra candles in front of the wooden statuettes of Mary, Joseph and the Christ Child and she set me straight by daring to whisper a reminder during (prelude to) the Service.

There have been many thoughts about the microcosmos and the macrocosmos floating around my mind lately. I have been wanting to tie some ideas together but they keep developing into other ideas or I think of something else to add that might need further mulling over and then I feel I am not ready to share yet. Anyways here is a simple idea which only took me a few minutes to write down. I like explaining images that in themselves contain space for a lot more. Think of potential of the subject (or object) described and/or detail in the subject which can lead to whole other realms of exploration. I am talking about detail within detail in the natural world and patterns of the universe both as part of a subject or set of subjects or subjects in motion producing patterns.

The Creator made it all, from the extremely large to the very small
A spore seed so tiny the eye cannot see
A shimmer on a dragonfly's wing
A tree's crown billowing in a warm breeze
A seagull wheeling in freedom in high blue ocean skies
A stoney and snowy ridgeline between mountain peaks
A huge bank of puffy storm clouds far off and reaching to great heights
A sun spectrum:
 yellow out west, orange climbing, red above, purple falling to night, dark blue in the east
A million miles of moon at night
A billion light years of stars so bright...
Felix Scharnberg 2013

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