Friday, September 20, 2013


Dear Friends:
I read somewhere that these 3 days, September 20 to 22, and very important dates for 2013. Perhaps partly because we just had the full moon, and also because it includes the autumnal equinox. To me this means that we must strive to use all our inner sensory perceptions and to be "aware" of all that comes to us. All summer in our Sunday services, we were exhorted to do this as well, to strive to develop our inner "eyes" and "ears".
I set out with this in mind this morning, as I took my dog for a walk around our nearby man-made lake. It's a lovely little lake, home to many ducks and geese, sometimes a beaver, or river otter, or even turtles. The city recently added a beautiful fountain, and in winter the trees are decorated with lights.

This is a picture of the one in our famous Stanley Park.
The thing that struck me most this morning on our walk was the sound of the cascading water. Of course, with a natural waterfall, this is even more impressive. Nevertheless, the sound filled me with a sense of something streaming into my soul. Imagine that something good is streaming into your consciousness, loving gifts from the universe. This is the time of year when our gaze in the northern hemisphere turns inward, so to speak. Through quiet walks in nature, meditation and contemplation, we can be open to what is streaming towards us and ultimately, the true message of Christmas. Peace and Good Will to all people on Earth.

"Do you hear what I hear?"


Thursday, September 19, 2013

For the sake of the Child

This is just a very quick blog, encouraging people to look at Stephanie Georgieff's blog: It's a very wonderful blog, particularly her last one on September 10th. I haven't been following the news lately, but as of the 10th, the situation for Syria at least sounded encouraging. I'm bringing it up for several reasons, other than political: In my corner of the world, there are many people who have come from the Middle East for a chance of a better life for their families, including Syria and Iran. I have the opportunity to meet and talk with them, as a worker in the health care industry. Contrary to what you might hear in the media, they are not all radical terrorists. The women in particular, are strong, intelligent, practical, warm, friendly and loving mothers and wives. They want what any woman would want: a chance for their children to grow up in a world that knows peace, not fear. A world where there are job opportunities, to be able to support their families. A world that does not know despair, pain, or hunger. When you look at an image of the Madonna and Child, you know this is their message, too. It's not just a dream or a wish that can never come true. As Stephanie writes, this is possible by taking the Christ into our hearts. What a truly wonderful gift, and the best part is, it's free, all you have to do is ask, wherever you are, right now. Sparky