Saturday, May 11, 2013


As promised, a short discussion on manifesting. This is a very old fashioned word. It means to make something obvious or evident to the eye, or to one's understanding. After the crucifixion, Thomas could not believe that Christ had overcome death, until he could see and touch His wounds. On the spiritual side, we may have a vision or inspiration, that we then want to try to create in the physical world. It could be something very specific, or only an idea or concept that we have to try to work with and be guided by to see how it will take shape. The idea is to try to focus one's energy to bring something into being. The greater the vision, the more likely it will be a long term project, sometimes not completed in one lifetime. Usually it starts out as a tiny seed for which the ground must first be cultivated. Planting has to occur at just the right time. Then it must be carefully nurtured. At first there are roots, then a small sprout, then leaves. Eventually there may be a flower and even fruit. These in turn produce more seeds, and the whole process starts over again. In the plant kingdom, depending on the type of plant, there can also be a dying away, or sacrificing, of the old plant. Also for some types of insects, fish, etc. Sociologists and anthropologists have also documented this process in different cultures, civilizations, and empires. What exists today is the result of thousands of years of history. What we create today will be the foundation for the future. What kind of future do we want for our children and grandchildren? What can we do to help bring this about? What obstacles have to be overcome? What can get in the way of bringing the spiritual into the physical? That will be the subject of my next blog. 'Til next time, and Happy Mother's Day to all.

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