Sunday, March 10, 2013


Passiontide is, for me, probably the most deeply meditative time of the year. This is likely in part due to the color (black), and the words, that we are presented with from the altar for these weeks before Easter. It is the time of year when we are called upon to really consider the act of sacrifice. Each small or large thing we are willing to give up, even temporarily, aids in the ultimate creation of something good, sometimes even a miracle. Everything truly good, beautiful, and long-lasting comes from sacrifice. We can see this in nature, too. The plants that last Fall died and gave up their seeds, are getting ready to sprout up anew in Spring. The Animal Kingdom, too, is getting ready to give birth to new life. Nature's annual rebirth, however, is becoming ever more difficult, due primarily to our thoughtlessness and selfishness. Every year we lose more species of plant and animal life because their habitat is either polluted, or gone completely. Through the Act of Consecration of Man and the transubstatiation of earthly substance, we work together with the Spiritual World to heal not only ourselves, but in fact our entire community and ultimately, the world. Another process that works in a similar way, is the work of Dr. Masaru Emoto. After years of research, he has found that it is possible to heal polluted water with prayer, words of love, gratitude. This works in our bodies as well, since we are primarily made of water. Once a year, he visits a different place in the world to hold a special healing ceremoney for the waters of the Earth. This year, today, it will be on the Big Island of Hawaii, from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Even if you are not there physically, you can be there in spirit during this time. Ideally, if you can set aside some quiet time, and set a glass of water in front of you on a table, concentrating, and repeating a prayer expressing love and gratitude to the water, it can be a truly amazing experience. His heart, of course, has a special place for Japan. Tomorrow, March 11, marks the 2nd anniversary of the tsunami that took so many lives and resulted in a nuclear reactor meltdown. At 2:46 p.m. in Japan, (or 10:46 p.m. Vancouver time March 10, due to the international date line), he will hold a special prayer for Japan. Again, we can join in by sending our our thoughts and prayers at precisely the same time, from anywhere in the world. Here is an excerpt from his blog: "I speak of this well known Einstein theory at my seminars: E = MC2 Mass–energy equivalence by Albert Einstein I believe the true meaning and power of this equation is ENERGY = # of people x CONCSIOUSNESS2 The amount of energy or power of the prayer is determined by amount of people who collective connect their pure hearts at the same time. Therefore, I would like to request the everyone around the world to join together for a Simultaneous Global Prayer at exactly 2:46pm Japan time on March 11th. Together we will collectively send our sincere prayers with the following words. To the victims lost in the oceans and to the water in Pacific Ocean which has suffered radioactive contamination from the nuclear accident in Fukushima. “I am sorry, please forgive me, thank you and I love you.” (Repeat 3 times) Where: Right from where you are. When: Match 11, 2013 Time: 2:46pm Japan Time *** Use this Time Convertor Link to find out what time 2:46pm Japan time is in your time zone. My sincere love and thanks to each and every one of you for your simultaneous participation in collectively connecting to your heart for this powerful global prayer." Interestingly, this corresponds to the ancient Hawaiian tradition of ho'oponopono. This is an ancient Huna healing tradition, or practice of reconciliation and forgiveness. Visualizing a person or thing that is troubling you, you use the same phrase as above: I am sorry, please forgive me, thank you, and I love you. Through water, all peoples and places of the Earth are connected. Together, we can work miracles. Sparky