Dear Friends,
The above title is one of the songs often sung during our Sunday services.
Once upon a time, not so long ago, in a small country far from Canada, there lived a very brave and faithful people, who were violently occupied by their large and aggressive neighbor. Knowing there was no way to overcome this occupation by fighting back, they instead chose a non violent option. Today it is known as the Singing Revolution, and they were successful in taking back their freedom.
Words and music have power to lift up our souls into a higher realm. They can create a positive energy and vibration that finds a correspondence in the heavenly spheres.
Today we hear of evermore centers of armed conflict and natural disasters.
Violence, too creates a vibrational energy but not in a good way. I suspect that more conflict may in fact creates more natural disasters. We already are becoming more aware of our responsibility for conservation and climate change. Our actions have consequences. Our words have consequences. Our thoughts have consequences.
Jesus gave us only two commandments,
Love the Lord thy God with all your heart all your soul all your mind and all your strength.
Love your neighbor as yourself.
So then let us raise up our thoughts and voices in praise of the coming King all over the world. The enemy knows that his time is short.