Dear Friends,
These are apocalyptic times. One only has to look around to see that this is so. We see the abandonment of all the values we once held dear, worst of all is the abandonment of responsibility, we see the heartbreaking abandonment of animals, and yes, even human beings,
Once our shores were the symbol of hope for those seeking freedom from persecution, famine and poverty. People came with nothing in their pockets but their hopes and dreams and the willingness to work hard. Many, like my Quaker ancestors, came with something else, their love and faith in God.
Today many of our young people have no hope. They turn instead to drugs and video games. There is no trust in our political or economic systems. Family values no longer exist. We see that today, only numbers matter. What is the bottom line, what are my ratings on the stage of social media? This is all that matters. Materialism has reached its nadir.
Today, Mandy Thursday, we can turn our thoughts to the Christ. HE knew what was about to happen. During the Last Supper HE gave the first Communion. HE washed his disciples' feet, and told them HE was about to be betrayed.
HE did not come to overthrow the government or to amass a fortune. HE came to show us how to find our way out of the mechanistic way of thought, back into the world of the spirit. This path requires much in the way of sacrifice, mainly in terms of our own egos.
These are apocalyptic times. If we can find a way to open our hearts, we can feel the approach of the Christ in the realm of our souls. Through the Sacrament of the Consecration of the Human Being. In consciously lifting up our soul and engaging in communion with Christ, we will be able to face whatever is coming.
Here in Vancouver, where Easter is greeted with clouds and rain we look to the Light with gratitude, humility and faith.