This is a famous poem by Robert Frost, set in the mood of
winter, with snow on the ground and frost in the air.
During this time of year, it is common for people to
experience the effects of different viruses. Temperature swings can occur, as our
life body, our immune system, rallies and sets out to restore balance.
We can consider that the Earth, too, has a life body. Here
in the Pacific Northwest, we have recently experienced extreme temperature
swings. This is nothing new, and has happened before in my lifetime.
Nevertheless, it is a warning that balance needs to be restored.
Mood swings, too, can happen when our hormones are out of
balance. We can consider volcanic activity, earthquakes, hurricanes, etc. as
mood swings in the Earths life body. Again, balance needs to be restored.
As human beings, we experience the Earth as our home. So
far, it is the only planet we know of, where conditions are just right for our
existence. Unfortunately, these conditions are changing, in part due to our own
activities. In particular, the removal of non-renewable resources, the use of
chemicals and machines that harm the life body (including the delicate balance
of minerals, plants, animals, water, soil, air) of the Earth. We have
disregarded the mood swings and temperature swings so long as they do not
affect our daily life.
This is no longer the case. As a collective, we must find
ways to help restore balance. Even more, we must find ways to renew the Earths
life body in such a way that she can continue to sustain OUR lives. You may
notice that I used the word, collective. This is because there is no one
perfect solution that can be applied. Each country, each community, must find
what works in their own area. We all can contribute in our own way, rather than
trying to impose a single solution. We have seen that agreement on one single
solution is not possible amongst nations, nor is it viable. Nevertheless, if we
each do our part to make a contribution, this will strengthen the restoration
and renewal. The 3 wise men did not all bring the same gift to the Child. Each
gift, gold, frankincense and myrrh, has its own healing properties. Neither
does the gift have to be expensive or rare. Sometimes the best gifts are the
simplest to make, and the easiest to do. Rather than pointing fingers at each
other, we must ask, What can I do? What is my gift that I can bring?
The life body of the Earth and our lives are intertwined, like
a picture of DNA. Only in this time period was this picture able to emerge. In focusing
on smaller and smaller minutiae, we have forgotten about the big picture. The
Earth is encouraging us to re-member.