Tuesday, September 17, 2024



Way up north, deep in the Tracy Arm Fjord in Alaska, lie the twin Sawyer glaciers. It is in the northern rainforest, shrouded in mist, fog and rain. It is a mystical place. When the sun comes out, there are rainbows. The air is fresh and cool. The mountains rise up on either side, created eons ago by mighty forces in the Earth. They are covered in evergreen forests, booming their chant of A U M, for those who can hear.

The water is green, rich in minerals and nutrients. Small pieces of ice joyfully drift by on their way to the sea, happy to at last be released from thousands of years (approx..26,000) of captivity. Their energy and creative spirit undeniable, in their varying shapes, sizes and shades of blue – the color usually associated with the Virgin Mary, or our Earth, known as the blue planet. The melting of the glaciers during this time is a remedy for the systematic polluting and poisoning of our waters. Some alarmists fear that it will release a variety of unknown viruses. I believe the glaciers were created against the time when the energy they contained would be needed. Our present predicament was foreseen, and resources set aside, or stored up. This is, of course, only my own observation. Water will play an ever more important role, as we approach the age of Aquarius. You do not have to get to a glacier to observe this. If you are lucky enough to have access to a waterfall, you can feel the same refreshing energy.

It is time to pull the plug, my friends. Since the advent of the computer during WW II, we have been travelling down a road fraught with danger. A road which could lead to catastrophic consequences, such as the world has not seen since the times of Atlantis.

We are called upon ever more strongly, to think with our hearts and not our brains – this organ, which has slowly been atrophying over the ages. We are falling, ever so deeply, under a spell. A spell of illusion, falsehoods and untruths. A spell of fake, or artificial intelligence. We no longer wish to use our brains, but like babies, to simply be fed pablum, platitudes. We have happily given up our sense of responsibility, our moral compass, pointing the finger at others. Now is rightly the time to look deep into our hearts and search our conscience.

Jesus said,





As John the Baptist remonstrated, we must change our way of thinking. We must take personal responsibility, and pursue the path of redemption. The path of righteousness is the hardest to follow, the gateway is narrow. Nevertheless, we do not have to do this alone. Angels are wanting and waiting to help us. They are with us always, even in our everyday life, if we only have eyes to see. We once had this awareness and connection with the realm of the heavens, and it is our destiny to find this connection once again.

Who will follow me, asked the Lord.

Sparky 🌈

Thursday, March 7, 2024



Dear Friends,

In many of the stories of healing in the Bible, we can observe that there were certain conditions that had to exist in order for healing to take place.

First, the person is asked if they could let go. That is to say, let go of, give away, set aside, whatever was holding them back from, or blocking, healing. It could be something physical, material, emotional or psychological. Are you ready to let go of your pride, your wealth, your position, your worries, etc.

Second, is the person ready and able to receive? What preparations have been made, physically and mentally. How have you prepared, even to receive the Consecration of the Human Being on Sundays, or during the week.

It takes a community, or village, sharing each other’s burdens. The very wonderful thing is, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Wherever two or more are gathered in my name, there will I be. Working out of and with the Spirit, we can each be a part of something greater, co-creators, giving and receiving, forming an ever more perfect union.

Passiontide can be a kind of preparation, through mindfulness, gratitude, sacrifice, in order to receive the ultimate gift of incandescent Love.

The secret to giving and receiving is that it is a beautiful cycle. The more you can give, the more you can receive, and the more you receive, the more you can give. Take me, for as much as I have given myself to you.


For my daughter, who is undergoing her own journey of giving and receiving.





Monday, December 25, 2023



During this time of darkest night, it is also the season of Celestial Light.

The Christ entered the earthly world, scarcely noticed but for a few, who took up the message of hope, love, peace, compassion and sacrifice, or service. He came to remind us where we came from, that we are spiritual beings, and to show us the way back home. He brought the spiritual down into the physical, for all human beings. He will not appear again, until we learn to look first into our own hearts. When we find and listen to the Spirit that dwells in our innermost soul, it can be our guiding star.

We have reached a period of time when darkness appears to be everywhere, outwardly. Our hearts may be heavy, the future unsure. Look inward, find the light, and let it shine forth. The future is in our hands and the choices we make. Christ showed us the way, and it is up to each of us now, to bring the kingdom of God down to the Earth.

Peace on Earth, to all who bear the gift of good will.



Sunday, October 15, 2023

Sing Praise to the Coming King

 Dear Friends,

The above title is one of the songs often sung during our Sunday services.

Once upon a time, not so long ago, in a small country far from Canada, there lived a very brave and faithful people, who were violently occupied by their large and aggressive neighbor. Knowing there was no way to overcome this occupation by fighting back, they instead chose a non violent option. Today it is known as the Singing Revolution, and they were successful in taking back their freedom.

Words and music have power to lift up our souls into a higher realm. They can create a positive energy and vibration that finds a correspondence in the heavenly spheres.

Today we hear of evermore centers of armed conflict and natural disasters. 

Violence, too creates a vibrational energy but not in a good way. I suspect that more conflict may in fact creates more natural disasters.  We already are becoming more aware of our responsibility for conservation and climate change. Our actions have consequences. Our words have consequences. Our thoughts have consequences.

Jesus gave us only two commandments,

Love the Lord thy God with all your heart all your soul all your mind and all your strength.

Love your neighbor as yourself.

So then let us raise up our thoughts and voices in praise of the coming King all over the world. The enemy knows that his time is short.


Saturday, July 1, 2023


 Dear Friends,

The concept of community is wide and varied. Here are some of my thoughts, drawn from different sources:

The ideal of a community would be a group of people working together, who share a common goal, while respecting and supporting each individual member and their point of view. There can be differences of opinion, but ultimately, the end goal must be kept in mind.

As teenagers and young adults, we begin to wonder who we are, what is our purpose, why are we here? We are trying to figure out who we are, but at the same time, we are searching for inclusion. We look at the world around us and ask, what is working, what is not working, sometimes with great vigor and even rebellion.

Who am I? This can be a lifelong question. Meditation is often suggested to help us find our center, which is why I like our Sunday service – it lends itself to contemplation and meditation. In turning our thoughts inward, we can find our way to the Christ.

John the Baptist exhorted people to change their way of thinking, or one could say, to put aside everyday matters and troubles long enough to gaze inwardly. This can be a very long process, requiring patience.

It is an interesting thing that the closer we come to understanding ourselves, the more open we are to understanding others – a kind of transformation of soul takes place. The more we can connect our individual I am, to the I AM of Christ, the more we become interested in being of service to others. I have always found it helpful to try not to dwell too much on my own troubles, and turn instead to helping others. I can also remind myself not to judge the actions of others too harshly, for I have not walked in their shoes.

We can become more aware of the effect of our own words and actions on others. We can even ask ourselves, what is potentially helpful, and what is potentially a hindrance. Am I serving only my ego, or ultimately, am I serving others?

What is happening right now in the world? Chaos seems to reign everywhere we look. Chaos is the mechanism of a soul process of transformation. Me and my wrestling soul may lie lamenting on the ground, but if I keep a picture of Christ leading the way, I know I can win through to finding peace in the eye of the storm.

Today, we are witnessing in the physical world, a great battle for the soul of all human beings. There is a saying: as above, so below. That would suggest that there is a battle happening as well in the spiritual world. As individuals, and in communities, perhaps we can feel that we are being called to join in this battle. Not through war or terrorism, fear mongering or pillaging, but in finding our path to the Being of the Christ, and standing steadfast.

Lastly, some words from Psalm 23:

He leads me beside still waters…

Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me….



Saturday, May 27, 2023

Manna from Heaven

 Dear Friends,

You may be surprised to learn that in our neck of the woods, we enjoy a variety of flora and fauna, including sequoia, dogwoods, rhododendrons, magnolias and cottonwood trees. In May, we know that sooner or later, the cotton will start to fly, eventually collecting along the edges of roadways, like soft, fluffy clouds.

This week of Ascension, I watched the cotton drifting around on a lovely warm sunny day, in contemplation of life, in general. I had just finished reading Emil Bock's book on Moses. If you have never read one of his books, beg or borrow one - your way of looking at the Bible will be forever changed. The width and depth of his research is astounding. His ability to describe different scenes in the Holy Land is truly inspired. Even though some of his books were written 100 years ago, they feel as if they were written for today, and offers one a different perspective on current events.

Generally speaking, we usually picture the Earth as awakening in the Spring, and breathing out into the cosmos. Watching the cotton floating around though, it evoked the story of manna that miraculously appeared during the night for the desert wanderers. What was it exactly that they received in the realm of their soul? You will have to read the book to find out.

Suffice it to say, though, that it felt as though we could still imagine during this time of year, like a fine, summer rain, the tender love of the cosmos, gently falling and ever-present.


Thursday, April 6, 2023


 Dear Friends,

These are apocalyptic times. One only has to look around to see that this is so. We see the abandonment of all the values we once held dear, worst of all is the abandonment of responsibility, we see the heartbreaking abandonment of animals, and yes, even human beings,

Once our shores were the symbol of hope for those seeking freedom from persecution, famine and poverty. People came with nothing in their pockets but their hopes and dreams and the willingness to work hard. Many, like my Quaker ancestors, came with something else, their love and faith in God.

Today many of our young people have no hope. They turn instead to drugs and video games. There is no trust in our political or economic systems. Family values no longer exist. We see that today, only numbers matter. What is the bottom line, what are my ratings on the stage of social media? This is all that matters. Materialism has reached its nadir.

Today, Mandy Thursday, we can turn our thoughts to the Christ. HE knew what was about to happen. During the Last Supper HE gave the first Communion. HE washed his disciples' feet, and told them HE was about to be betrayed.

HE did not come to overthrow the government or to amass a fortune. HE came to show us how to find our way out of the mechanistic way of thought, back into the world of the spirit. This path requires much in the way of sacrifice, mainly in terms of our own egos. 

These are apocalyptic times. If we can find a way to open our hearts, we can feel the approach of the Christ in the realm of our souls. Through the Sacrament of the Consecration of the Human Being. In consciously lifting up our soul and engaging in communion with Christ, we will be able to face whatever is coming.

Here in Vancouver, where Easter is greeted with clouds and rain we look to the Light with gratitude, humility and faith.
